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    How to Maintain Weight

    Weight The body is healthy and free of diseases and constant weight demand of the majority of people, where the excess weight is the problem of this age and a source of inconvenience to the owners of both sexes, both male and female, in terms of health and psychological, the body suffers various diseases because of the fat pressure on it, and the thinness that exceeds the normal limit It is also problematic due to the non-granular melting of fat, which leads to unpleasant and bad shape, and the two problems reflect the external appearance of the person, which gives positive or negative impressions. So many are more likely to gain more self-confidence and attractiveness by maintaining weight in normal condition and rate. Many people who suffer from these problems resort to different diets that succeed initially and often lead to bad effects after they end. Following are brief lines to discuss some of the ways and tips that help maintain weight.

    It is important to focus on breakfast, which includes minerals and vitamins, where it is considered the healthiest three meals that man deals with during the day, because it provides the energy necessary to perform its various functions of Start the day to the end, and not rely on lunch. Eat healthy food and many benefits, in terms of riches, with fiber such as vegetables, fresh fruits, grains that supply the body with calories, vitamins, and proteins that rid the body of toxins, improve bowel movement and burn fat. It is recommended to drink large amounts of water that saves the body from waste and toxins, and has an effective role in fat burning and control of weight gain, and help to increase the ease of digestion and reduce appetite, and advised to drink eight glasses a day, and advised to drink water before eating, The feeling of satiety on the human, and fill the appetite and reduce the amount of food intake, in addition to drinking various fluids. It is preferable not to eat food and fatty foods before going to sleep, preferably eating before going to sleep for at least two hours, so that the body can digest food intake and prevent the increase in weight, where dinner causes obesity and weight problems and uncomfortable sleep. It is advisable to exercise regularly and daily, which activates the body and burn fat and fat, and it burns calories by exerting physical effort during the performance of various exercises

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