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    Symptoms of high pressure

    Blood pressure Blood pressure is defined by the force of the heart to pump oxygen-laden blood into the arteries, and the strength of the arteries between the repeated heartbeat. Thus, blood pressure reading consists of two numbers, the first is greater than the second, and the normal blood pressure is less than 120/80.

    Hypertension Blood pressure is high in four stages: [1] Pre-Elevation: When readings exceed the normal range, they are limited to 100-139 and 80-89. First rise phase: Pressure readings increase between 140- 159 and 90-99. The second stage of the rise: the readings are above 160 and 100. The disease is classified as a serious disease that threatens health, called silent disease for the lack of symptoms that accompany, difficult to detect and diagnose in its early stages, and develop the disease and become malignant to affect the optic nerve of the eye, and causes bleeding in the retina, causing vision and vomiting and severe headache. Symptoms of high blood pressure There are several symptoms felt by the patient with high blood pressure, including: [2] headache; headache is one of the most important symptoms associated with high blood pressure, and in the case of frequent headaches, the first thing to ask the patient is the level of blood pressure. Dizziness and loss of consciousness are some of the symptoms associated with this disease, but they are less frequent in the first cases of elevation, and are only in the advanced stages. Persistent feeling of nausea, because the stomach is the first to be affected by high blood pressure. Severe pain in the back of the head. The sensation of extreme tiredness, lethargy, exhaustion, and laziness, permanently. Constant feeling of tension, intense thinking, and instability. Tinnitus in the ears permanently or intermittently is one of the most important symptoms of hypertension. Symptoms associated with high blood pressure include persistent bleeding in the nose. Numerous tremors in the body's various muscles, which affect the movement of the patient and his control of his body. Very rapid heartbeat, due to dysfunction of the heart. Vision is often affected when a patient is suffering from high blood pressure due to pressure on the optic nerve and its direct effect on the retina. The patient feels high blood pressure heavily in his body, and difficulty in controlling his organs. The patient is subject to severe difficulty breathing. The patient has acute urinary tract infection, due to the increased concentration of salts in the urine, which leads to redness of urine color with a feeling of burning during urination. Swelling in the lower extremities, which is an advanced symptom associated with high blood pressure. The patient may develop renal failure due to acute hypertension, as high salts affect the health and ability of the kidneys

    Complications of acute hypertension There are many problems experienced by a patient with high blood pressure, which may lead to serious problems if the pressure is not controlled, including: [3] High blood pressure causes a large heart disease, enlarged myocardium makes it non- Able to pump blood, the wall of the heart is enlarged due to the enormous pressure it is exposed to, and can be impaired by a general heart. Arthritis is a symptom of chronic hypertension. The inner wall of the arteries may become damaged and may be hardened by cracks that accompany the damage. This allows the fat deposition process to be easily blocked and blocked by the arteries and deprived of the oxygen needed to feed the muscles. And others. High blood pressure increases the susceptibility to kidney disease caused by the constriction of arteries that feed the kidneys, which prevents blood from reaching them, inhibits the functions performed, which eventually leads to kidney damage. Hypertension causes the arteries that feed the brain to stiffen, leading to strokes. Exposure to arterial blockages prevents blood from flowing, reduces the amount of oxygen needed to feed it. An explosion in the cerebral arteries can result from high blood pressure, which in turn weakens the wall. Cerebral arteries. Strokes caused by high blood pressure are one of the reasons leading to loss of speech ability, loss of ability to sense and perception. High blood pressure increases the damage to the nervous system as a result of pressure, especially the optic nerve. Causes of high blood pressure It is important to know that blood pressure, called silent disease, develops gradually without the patient's knowledge, and is diagnosed only when it is in advanced condition, ie, when the patient suffers from symptoms, and there are many reasons that lead to high blood pressure, summarize As follows: [3] Congenital defects in the heart muscle, heart failure affects his functions, and therefore, the proportion of blood pressure rises. Kidney disease: Just as high blood pressure affects kidney function, the opposite is also true. If the kidneys suffer from a deficiency in their function, they will negatively affect the stability of the blood pressure and therefore its rise. Adrenal gland tumors: The adrenal gland is a hormonal gland located above the kidneys, and excreted layers of the cortex three different types of hormones: cortisol, aldosterone, and sex hormones. In the case of swelling of the adrenal gland, the proportion of the hormone Aldosterone break, which is the hormone responsible for regulating the proportion of sodium and salts in the blood, which naturally affects the blood pressure rises. Taking medicines that negatively affect the stability of long-term stress, such as pills, diet pills, leachate drugs, high-cortisone drugs, or cortisone pills, migraines, and frequent analgesics. Many stimulants, such as coffee and tea, and drug abuse, such as cocaine and amphetamine, and drinking alcohol that stimulate the secretion of hormones in the body, high blood pressure because of more than the normal limit. Smoking: Smoking increases blood pressure immediately and quickly, and disappears with the disappearance of niconin from the blood, and the substances in tobacco deposited in the arteries and narrowed the process, the heart requires a double force to pump blood enough to the body, and thus raise pressure from the normal level. Tension: Especially those accompanied by harmful relaxation methods, such as smoking, drinking alcohol or eating greedily. Stress, such as smoking, increases the blood pressure in a momentary and immediate way, after which the cause of the stress disappears. Sodium and potassium salt imbalances: High-sodium diets increase pressure due to excess water retention. Potassium deficiency, which balances and regulates the amount of sodium in the body, allows sodium to accumulate and store water randomly in cells . Hyperglycemia is a major cause of most health problems. The higher the human weight, the higher the heart needs to pump blood to all the different organs of the body, increasing the pressure on the wall of the arteries. Genetics: The genetic factor has a large role in the incidence of blood pressure disease, as it is classified as a genetic disease. Sex and strain: It increases in males at the young age, and is equal in both sexes between the ages of 55-64, and increases in females over the age of 65 on males. As for strains, darker skin is more prone to hypertension than white skin. Prevention of high blood pressure

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